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Christopher Hatton

overview of SEND Information Report 


The Christopher Hatton Primary School SEND information report sets out what we provide for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) throughout their time with us and how we work with parents and carers. Our inclusion policy and provision map gives more detail about our day to day procedures. We review this report every year and welcome your input on how useful it is.

Please click here to view our SEND information report. 

Camden Local Authority also publishes information for parents and carers of children with SEND on their website.  Click here to access.



The purpose of our SEND information report is to inform parents and carers about:


At Christopher Hatton the Inclusion Lead has overall responsibility for provision for children with special needs and disabilities. The role also includes ensuring that there is equality of opportunity and high achievement for children from different groups e.g. children with EAL (English as an additional language) and low-income families; for this reason the role is called the Inclusion Lead and includes the role of SENDCo. We have a strong reputation for inclusion at Christopher Hatton. 


At Christopher Hatton we believe that a “growth mindset” is one of the best assets a young person can have. This means that we place a high emphasis on learning how to learn and encourage the children to take risks in their learning, set their own challenges, embrace mistakes as learning opportunities and to understand that mastery comes from practice.  We want our pupils to be informed, articulate and empowered. We place a high value on our communication with parents and carers, the first educators of our pupils and as such we welcome them in the classroom for the first 15 minutes on certain days of the week. We also know that the earlier we provide support for children with SEND, the more successful they will be and the more able they will be to cope with the challenges and responsibilities of modern life and to this end we strive to support children as soon as it is clear that they have a particular need.


At Christopher Hatton Primary School we welcome pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, and make every effort to support them. All our classes are fully inclusive and we have high expectations for all our children. We aim to meet the needs of pupils with:

  • Specific learning difficulties
  • Mild learning difficulties
  • Social, emotional and mental health needs
  • Physical disabilities (NB: however, the school does not have a lift to allow access to the whole building, only the ground floor is accessible although we would make reasonable adjustments to accommodate a child with a physical disability)
  • Visual and hearing impairments (NB our school is a Victorian building with very high ceilings, it can be a difficult environment for the hearing impaired but we would embrace the use of technology and any other adjustments required to welcome a child with a hearing impairment).
  • Complex health needs
  • Communication difficulties, including autism


All staff below can be contacted via email: admin@chrishatton.camden.sch.uk.

  • Our Head Teacher Clare McBride oversees the leadership of Inclusion.
  • Jennifer Smith our assistant headteacher is our inclusion lead (SENDCo) and is the first person to talk to about any SEND questions or concerns, she leads on the day to day operation of our Inclusion policy following guidance from the SEN Code of Practice 2014.
  • Our SEND Governor Adam Kramer has responsibility for monitoring and supporting the school on SEN matters on our governing body. Please contact the office for details.
  • Our School Admin Staff  – Sinem Gullu and Lorraine Harris – can give you copies of our policies but all are available on the school website.
  • Our site Manager – Blue Quinn – ensures that the school is clean and safe and has oversight of site access projects.