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Christopher Hatton


This is an exceptional school. 

Ofsted 2022 

Here are some more highlights from the Ofsted report which awarded Christopher Hatton outstanding in all areas:

'All members of the school community show each other the utmost respect.'

'Leaders put language development at the heart of pupils’ education. They understand that the ability to express oneself clearly and confidently is an essential life skill.'

'The curriculum prepares pupils exceptionally well to take their place as responsible citizens in the modern world.' 

'Staff share a common understanding of what characterises excellent teaching. This leads to strong and consistent practice across the school.'

'The quality of work in pupils’ books and celebrated in displays around the school is exemplary. It shows that pupils are exceptionally well prepared for moving on to secondary school.' 

'Leaders promote pupils’ personal development exceptionally well.' 

To read the full report please click here. 

Challenge Partners

Challenge Partners is a practitioner-led national network of schools that improves school performance through peer-to-peer challenge and knowledge sharing. Each school in Challenge Partners receives an annual Quality Assurance (QA) Review. The QA Review is a peer review involving senior leaders from other schools in the partnership. The review has a whole-school remit and focuses on teaching and learning, which enables practitioners to have deep conversations about the quality of learning in the school being reviewed. Following a three day process including lesson explorations, work sampling, data analysis and meetings with senior and middle leaders, outcomes are agreed between the school and the review team as part of an ongoing professional dialogue that seeks to unpick and articulate effective teaching practice and school improvement strategies. By nature of being a collaborative peer review, the QA Review is different from other external inspections. Due to the review’s focus on teaching and learning, the review does not consider areas such as safeguarding or governance and so its outcomes are not directly comparable to an Ofsted inspection. 

To read the full report from Challenge Partners review December 2019 please click here.