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Christopher Hatton

Special Educational Needs

At Christopher Hatton we value the diversity of our community as a rich resource that can contribute to the learning of all pupils and staff. To ensure quality of educational opportunity for all pupils we remove barriers to success  irrespective of  SEND needs, sex, ethnicity, language, social and economic background (see our single equalities plan available on the website).

To remove these barriers we first and foremost ensure that all teaching and support staff have a good understanding of inclusive teaching practices within the classroom. Where children are in need of additional support beyond that provided in the classroom there are a range of interventions that can extend or support pupils in many areas e.g. literacy, numeracy, social skills and speaking and listening. These are carefully monitored to ensure they are effective in helping children to progress in their learning. Our school inclusion policy, equality scheme and accessibility plan provide further details.

Parents are central to the process of enabling pupils fulfil their potential. Parents of pupils with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) are encouraged to contribute to the target setting process for their children and have access to information that will help them to support their child at home.